Moxibustion Box - Moxa Box/Moxa Holder - 2 Holes (Dual)

Product SKU: 23062

Regular price $18.00 Sale

High quality moxibustion burner box, made of wood. Great for treating large areas of the body at once. Perfect for holding moxa rolls that are 2cm in diameter. (Pure Traditional Moxa Rolls are recommended). This moxibustion box has two holes on the sides to allow ventilation of smoke. To use, simply open the top of the unit, insert then light the moxa and place the box on the desired area. The heat filters through the grated tray and provides for a comfortable moxa treatment. This moxibustion box also includes clips for an elastic band (included) to help secure the box on difficult to place or steady body areas.


  • Base: 14cm x 9.3cm
  • Height: 8.2cm
  • Top: 12.9cm x 7.7cm

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